A man looks discontent as a camera is pointed his way showing how hard it can be to film your boss for your new YouTube marketing adventures.

Overcoming the Jitters: Master Filming Your Boss with These 7 On-Camera Tips

Category: On-Camera YouTube Performance

If you're tasked with creating a YouTube channel for your company, you'll probably need to get your boss on camera at some point. This can be an awkward experience, especially if your boss is uncomfortable in the spotlight and you're new to the position. When your boss steps in front of the camera, they may become vulnerable in a way you're not accustomed to. But don't fret! This article will show you how to restore your boss's on-camera confidence and capture the perfect takes for your business's YouTube videos.

Tip 1: Transform Your Video Script Into a Story

A boring graph is seen being transformed into a readable story

Your boss might be hesitant about filming due to their busy schedule. With their time and attention being precious commodities, making the best use of their availability is essential. 

One way to do this is by transforming your regular video script into an engaging story format. This piques their interest and helps them invest emotionally in the filming. Then, you'll need to gently encourage your boss to deliver the content as a narrative, making the video more engaging for your audience. This approach makes filming more enjoyable for your boss, whose enthusiasm will translate on screen, giving you and your audience the best video and version of your boss possible.

Viewers appreciate seeing a speaker who is passionate about the topic, and they're more likely to digest the content, even if it's a bit dry. This method is convenient when creating videos for B2B topics. Instead of being met with a dull webinar, your audience will be pleasantly surprised by the same information presented in a unique, story-like format helping you grow a community and your brand's awareness online.

Tip 2: Choose a Comfortable Filming Location

A camera icon and a futon show that getting comfortable before filming is critical in coming off great on camera.

An exciting new video location can tempt you to pause everything and set up your shot right then and there. However, a location that seems perfect to you might not be the best fit for everyone else, especially for those not accustomed to being on camera – like your boss.

To create the best YouTube video featuring your boss, we've found (through much trial and error) that the filming location should be where your subject feels most comfortable. This should be any relaxed setting that allows your boss's personality to shine. Some solid options include the supply room, their office, or even at the park, away from their colleagues. Personally, I filmed my own boss in a large storage room where we had a lot of space and privacy to allow for their authenticity to shine through.

Tip 3: Avoid Using Swivel Office Chairs

A chair with an X over it suggests we don't use office chairs for filming.

At this point, you've likely established a comfortable filming environment and provided an engaging script for your boss. However, nerves can still run high. A clear indicator of this is the dreaded swiveling in an office chair. 

You might observe your boss twisting back and forth while delivering their lines, translating into poor body language and a sense of nervousness for YouTube viewers and, even worse... shareholders. 

Before filming, replace any swivel chair with a stationary one with four immovable legs. If this isn't possible, please ask your boss to remain as still as possible. If your boss is positioned as the channel's 'expert,' such behavior should be avoided.

Tip 4: Encourage Your Boss to Use Hand Gestures

Hands on screen symbolize the importance of talking with your hands for on camera youtube performance

An effective on-camera presence often involves more than words; it's about communicating with your entire body. 

Research indicates that a significant portion of our speech understanding comes from body language. Suppose you notice your boss tensing up and appearing nervous while filming. In that case, address this immediately, as this body language can degrade their performance. Suggest to your boss to use hand gestures throughout their takes. 

Expressing thoughts through hand movements can reinforce key points in the content and distract them from any self-conscious thoughts about their on-camera image. While this technique may not instantly turn your boss into a natural on-camera, practising hand gestures over time can lead to a more confident performer and a video that's easier for viewers to understand.

Tip 5: Encourage Them to Smile Before Every Take

Make sure to start with a smile. We apologize for this wonky smiley graphic.

It's time to put the icing on the cake to enhance your boss's video performance further. You can do this by ensuring they flash a big smile before each shot. It may sound odd, but a smile can induce a feeling of positivity, even in potentially scary situations like being on camera for a YouTube video.

Believe us, smiling before each take can project a positive image of the speaker to potential viewers. It conveys that they're upbeat people, the kind of positive people viewers can envision doing business with.

Tip 6: Incorporate Anticipation Both Verbally and in the Story

Stoplights symbolize that we should pause more often in our on-camera delivery

Another tool in our toolbox for effective YouTube on-camera performance involves leveraging anticipation. This storytelling technique can delightfully captivate your viewers. We recommend incorporating anticipation in two ways: verbally and within the story.

Verbal anticipation is about the way lines are delivered on camera. Encourage your boss to generate suspense by withholding certain information or pausing before revealing key points. This technique helps extend your video's watch time and keeps your viewers intrigued and more engaged.

On the other hand, story anticipation involves introducing unexpected twists and complications into the script. You may need to assist in adding these elements to keep the narrative engaging, keeping your viewers hooked on a variety of unexpected developments.

Remember, maintaining an engaging video is crucial when creating great B2B YouTube content for your organization.

Tip 7: Consider a Creative Consultation for Your Business YouTube Video

Be sure to get a creative consultant to look at your youtube idea before going through with it.

If adjusting your script to a YouTube-friendly format seems daunting due to time constraints, fear not; we've got you covered. We can assist you in incorporating elements of humor and education to transform your dry-est B2B YouTube videos into content that generates leads and expands your viewer base online.

We've had the privilege of assisting numerous B2B companies in crafting engaging scripts and YouTube content which has helped them rank higher on Google and generate a multitude of quality leads. If a you'd like a YouTube consultation to see how you can change your channel from a content repository to a lead-gen machine, don't hesitate to click reach out to us here.