Disrupting Corporate Video Content with YouTube Content Marketing

7 Reasons Why YouTube Content is Disrupting Corporate Video in 2023

Category: Organic YouTube Marketing

corporations can look facless and scary when they don't populate their YouTube channel

It's no secret that consumers distrust brands that are seen as faceless entities connected in any way to the big-business establishment. 

According to an Ipsos research paper on brand trust, consumers see these brands as: 

faceless corporations that don't care about, or attempt to understand the very people they are trying to sell to.

That means to get the attention of today's savvy and yet weary consumers, we need to implement a whole new way to advertise. And no, I'm not talking about over-produced stock-footage-laden corporate videos or faceless animated explainers, either.

To tap into your current and new consumers, you must position your content in the formats they value on the platforms they frequent. 

One of those platforms is YouTube, which has recently been a disrupter in the advertising and marketing industry.

Global brands are investing in an organic first YouTube video marketing strategy to meet their potential and existing prospects on the platform they love spending time on. They're also changing the type of content they're producing as well. Switching from a promotional-first to an educational-first content approach to inform and add value to potential prospects before positioning their products.

And we believe it's time you change too.

In fact, if you need more convincing for starting an Organic YouTube marketing campaign, Here are seven more points on why Organic YouTube Marketing will help you win your customer's trust over legacy corporate video advertising.

1. Gain Industry Authority By Capitalizing on New Trends Fast

Always check your trends for content ideas

When a new trend in your business's domain appears, quickly creating content around it is critical to gain authority in Google and YouTube's algorithm.

Unlike traditional corporate videos, which often take months to create, A YouTube video can be made as quickly as the news reaches your team. 

It doesn't have to be a perfectly produced video, either.

As long as you have good audio, valuable content, and a genuine smile on camera, your viewers and potential leads will see you as an authoritative source and a brand they can potentially trust to work with in the future. 

Apart from the speed of content creation, YouTube marketing for your organization can skyrocket your lead creation and grow your business to new heights while keeping up with industry updates that people want as fast as possible.

2. Create Human Connections, In a Faceless Corporate World

A human to human connection is critical for your business YouTube videos

Your average website viewer will likely choose a human-centered video with poor quality and mistakes over a 30-minute mini-documentary on how a corporation is meeting its ESG targets. 

This is because at the heart of all businesses is a human-to-human relationship.

However, in today's world of chatbots and AI automations, your consumers are missing that more than ever before.

Fortunately, Organic YouTube Marketing for your business allows you or anyone on your team to talk directly to your potential prospects while providing a window into your personality, your team, and what your company does to truly help its customers.

A person-to-person connection is a massive advantage in today's corporate environment, where we try to take the human element out of everything. 

And according to Best SEO Companies' YouTube Thumbnail analysis, they concluded that 72% of YouTube's most popular videos contained people inside the thumbnail. 

We believe this also goes beyond the thumbnail for most B2B channels. An organic, human-centric host for your organic YouTube content will enhance your prospect's personal connection to your brand and increase trust in your corporation.

3. YouTube Videos Have a Snowball Effect Compared to Other Social Media Content

Don't underestimate the YouTube snowball effect

Much like a snowball rolling down a hill, YouTube videos are one of the few unique content forms that gain attention as time passes. 

While it may take a month to even years, your YouTube videos can and will gain more traction the longer they stay online. They may even experience spikes in popularity due to unforeseen trends they may be associated with.

Investing in evergreen video content is preferred against most social media platforms because their reach diminishes with time, getting lost in timelines as soon as their engagement dips. 

While it takes a more upfront commitment to create organic YouTube content will survive the test of time and continue to inform prospects of your company and products and help your brand stay relevant in the search results.

4. Organic YouTube Marketing Builds You A Dedicated Audience and Distribution Channel

Let's be serious. You can have the fanciest video your company produced with the most incredible animation sequence made with the most expensive equipment known to man. 

Nevertheless, your corporate video investment will only deliver ROI if you have built an audience to watch it.

Building out your organic YouTube marketing content first will build an audience, validate your business ideas, and give you the engagement necessary to boost your content into the search results of your future prospects.

5. YouTube Videos Show The Real You and Keep You Down To Earth

People can tell if you're authentic or not very quickly in video format.

Corporate videos hide your business processes behind confusing jargon and cringe-inducing cookie-cutter visuals. 

From the average viewer's perspective, it communicates that your company values looking better than your competitors and helping them.

On YouTube, viewers can tell immediately what your video is communicating. And often, the slicker video is, the less trust it can provide, making the viewer think it's too good to be true.

Creating original YouTube videos with you and your team on camera counteracts this phenomenon. Showing your potential prospects a trustworthy face behind your brand.

And if you're a little camera shy, or your colleagues are too, but still are interested in jumping into YouTube content marketing, we've got an excellent article to help increase your on-camera performance when creating YouTube shorts which you can check out here

6. Organic YouTubing Marketing Helps You Avoid Expensive Video Agency Fees

You can get the same business value for much less with organic B2B YT videos

Corporate video agencies should be incentivized to create videos that generate ROI for your company, but they're not. They aim to get you to pay them the most money for the smallest video output possible. 

While video agencies can be helpful, the natural state of their business relationship with you disconnects from one that inherently helps hit your marketing goals. 

Going with your own in-house content creation for your YouTube marketing operation can help you avoid paying large sums of money for vanity videos that aren't converting your prospects.

7. Organic YouTube Marketing can be Started by Businesses of Any Size

If you're interested in YouTubing for your organization, it can feel nerve-racking to start. You may even believe you need the best equipment, lenses, and lighting, but that isn't true. 

If you have your phone, a quiet place to record, and a great script, you can make videos that cost less than $1K in labor costs to create and still land you $50K+ in deals over time. 

However, please note that it takes some time to construct videos that convert your viewers. Fortunatley, we have the whole process for you documented if you'd like to start here:

Lessons in Organic B2B YouTube Marketing

And, If you'd like a lesson on how this is done in person, we offer a simple Organic YouTube Marketing session for B2B companies to help kick-start their YouTube marketing efforts and avoid placing their budget in the hands of those expensive agencies.

If interested in seeing how you're business can start Organic YouTube marketing off on the right foot, reach out to us by clicking the link below!

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